New scenes added to ‘Aptha Rakshaka’

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,February 23 2010]

The news of director P Vasu coming to Bangalore last Sunday to visit the memorial place of Dr Vishnuvaradhan then also visit Smt Bharathi Vishnuvaradhan in her house was not known to many. Vasu was to also some of the theatres screening ‘Aptha Rakshaka’ and talk to some television channels.

But the best kept secret is that director P Vasu is adding around 150 feet length content to the climax portion of the film ‘Aptha Rakshaka’.

Normally directors reduce the length after release for various reasons but this is a new thing in Kannada. The new footage will be added from the second week shows of ‘Aptha Rakshaka’. So what’s there in it? The scenes of the 125 years battle between Vijayaraja Bahaddur and Nagavalli (inside actress Sandhya) will be increased say the sources.